A brand is actually the way consumers perceive a company or products. Brand building is the positive image that is left with the consumers from the many forms of marketing that are utilized. bonspeedMedia studies the current brand image, assists in crafting a new or updated image and then develops a plan for creating that branded image.
American Bicycle Association
bonspeedMedia represents the ABA (American Bicycle Association), the sanctioning body of BMX (Bicycle Motocross) as it celebrates 30 years in 2007. As the world's largest promoter of action sports, the ABA is now readying for the sport of BMX to be part of the 2008 Olympics.
The involvement of BMX in the Olympics is a huge event for this sport and ABA wants to ensure they are prepared. bonspeedMedia is assisting with a variety of ABA brand building activities.
These activities include a new consumer advertising program that targets the youth market and another that reinforces the sport to potential sponsors. An aggressive public relations effort is reaching beyond their industry. The new business development program instituted by bonspeedMedia is structuring new business opportunities for the company. These include technology-based, interactive websites that offer greater revenues and visibility. To build revenue and create more brand identity, a new clothing line is being developed.